Answered By: Librarian: Antonio
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2021     Views: 477

You can check our OneSearch catalog to see if we have a copy of your textbook in the "Reserves" collection, or an ebook or "Online" copy. (Please note that most textbook publishers do not sell e-book versions of their textbooks to libraries.)

Library textbooks in the "Reserves" collection check out for 2 hours, in-library use only. Please bring your student ID to the library's circulation desk to check out a Reserve Textbook.

Books that are "Available Online" in OneSearch can be viewed anytime by clicking on the database name in the "View Online" section in the item's OneSearch record.

To find the textbooks required for your courses, please visit the ELAC Campus Bookstore.

  1. Click on "Textbooks", "Buy/Rent", and you will be asked to enter your course information. 
  2. Click "Add Course to List", then "Get Your Books"
  3. You will then be able to purchase your textbooks, or you will have the title and ISBN number to allow you to purchase or rent the book elsewhere.

For textbook rentals, there are several retail vendor options, including: